Home > Blog > Association / The Chamber website best practices
By Simon 10/03/2020 04:08 am
If you’ve considered a redesign or just want to compare what you have with what you should have done with your chamber website design, you’re in the right place.
Do you have:
1. A Join Now button:
Purchases (and yes, membership is a purchase) are an emotional choice. A Join
Now button allows people to join on their schedule when the moment strikes
them, not only when the office is open.
2.Your address:
If a potential member Google’s your chamber looking to find out more info and
gets a chamber by the same name two states away, will they go back and Google
again in the hopes of finding the right one or will they get midway through the
joining process before they realize it’s not THEIR chamber? Avoid this
confusion by being clear.
3. Navigable menu
items: Check with someone who didn’t design the site and tabs and ask them
to find out when your next event is and how to join. If they can’t do either
activity in three minutes or less, you have a problem.
4. Your next event:
Please remove all events that have passed. Websites with old information on them
make people question whether the organization is still open and if the site is
5. Pictures:
Beautiful inspiring, entertaining images should pepper your site.
6. Social media
directs: Only list the social media platforms (with links to your page)
that you post to regularly. Again, when I see a site with a bad social media
link or it refers me to a page that hasn’t had new content on it in months, I
wonder if they’re still around.
7. Member spotlight:
Optional but nice.
8. Member-generated
content: It will save you time and can be a source of non-dues revenue for
9. Helpful resources:
Be the place people come to look for information on your town and businesses.
10. Member
testimonials: Print, video, podcasts, whichever. Just let people know what
others think of you.
11. Legible font.
This includes the font and the size. Remember people may be on their phones
when they come to your site.
12. Mobile-friendly
design. Not only design but activities too. Easy to click buttons, basic
info, etc.
13. A mission
statement written in plain English, not marketing or corporate speak.
Enough said.
14. Jobs: Not
just the jobs with the chamber or the association but also include all jobs by
the members companies (An employer login feature so employers can post their
own jobs with an additional fee).
15. Legislative
initiatives. Make sure people know what you’re working on this legislative
session. Consider giving it its own tab.
16. Tab titles
that people would use to search.
17. Headlines
that contain keywords or phrases that are important to your audience (again,
something they’d search for).
18. A blog. Yes,
you need one. Grab our handy, free “Blog and Website Posting Reminders
Checklist†at the end of this article.
19. Search. The
good kind that’s very intuitive.
20 An FAQ page.
You can create one that’s about general chamber questions or have specific
sections or pages for topics you’re asked about all the time like your annual
21. Whitespace.
22. Frictionless
signup. I mentioned the Join Now button earlier but it’s also important to
enable potential members to go through the whole membership purchasing process
online. Allow them to enter info and pay their dues. If anything is missing,
call them when the office is open. (You will anyway to welcome them aboard.)
23. A warm message from the Board President or the CEO of
the chamber.
24. Pictures and bios of staff. People like to know who
they’re connecting with. Share fun tidbits about their lives.
25. E-commerce.
At the very least you need to sell memberships and event tickets on your site.
But some chambers have enabled other e-commerce options like directory and
sponsorship sales, town memorabilia, or even cookbooks.
26.Up-to-date community content (outside of the chamber).
People will debate the importance of this but here’s why I think it’s
important. You want content your community cares about. If there was a city
council meeting on an issue that is important to your business members, give
the most up-to-date content you can. Think of your chamber as a publisher.
Become a resource for all community-related things.
27.Video: Video
draws visitors in. Golf Tournament or Annual banquet video can be added to make
it more inviting
28.Reasons to join. Don’t leave it up to them to figure out
what those things are.
29.Benefits presented as solutions. Tell them what each of
your benefits does for their business. Don’t just list them.
30. Next steps that fit how someone got there.
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